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The Buzz on Fundraising

We work with individuals, schools, churches, and nonprofit organizations to help you raise money.  Coffee & our Sweet Buzz Club Chocolates are a fantastic fundraiser that works for everyone!


Did you know that in 2019, 64% of Americans aged 18 and over drank coffee every day?  We don’t even need to tell you how many eat chocolates!

Eight (8) of our Sweet Buzz Roasts are available for your fundraiser. We suggest you sell each 1 lb bag for $4 profit. Sell the coffee & turn in your fundraiser spreadsheet and we will deliver your bags within 10 days.

Fabulous question! Using our suggested pricing, you will make $4 per bag sold. Therefore, if you have 25 people who can each sell 20 bags of coffee, your organization makes $2,000!

Sweet! You can download our fundraising form and flyer here.

Once you are done collecting your coffee orders email the form to & we will get your order processed and to your door.

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